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Connecting with Consumers: The IMC Approach

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Resonating with a consumer is the main goal of any marketer. They want the consumer to feel connected to the message they are conveying and remembering it when the time of purchase arrives. 
But how do marketers try and connect with such a diverse range of people in an ever-growing society. It's called an Integrated Marketing Communications plan or IMC for short. This plan allows you to have a clear step-by-step plan to be successful in your marketing campaign. 

Image result for target market
Step 1: Know your target market
You need to have a clear understanding of your target market. What are their hobbies? How do they read the news? How do they like being communicated to? This is such an important step because you don't need to waste resources on every single potential customer but instead a smaller, like-minded part of the market. 

Step 2: Know which channels to use
Now that you know your target market, how can you reach them? Questions need to be asked like what are the strengths and weaknesses of the channel ? or what is my objective in using this channel? Knowing the correct channel allows you to develop cost-effective strategies, for example if your target market was older, wealthy men, there wouldn't be a need to market extensively on social media as they are mainly watching television so this would be a better channel to market through. 

Step 3: Consistency
Image result for consistencyBeing consistent is key. Creating consistent content allows you to hit all the touch points with the audience and the brand and can lead to a meaningful relationship between the two. Content created by your brand also needs to follow the 3 C's of Communication. Communications is the first C and it means to have a clear message with the audience where it isn't too confusing. C number 2 is 'Compelling' meaning that the content should be interesting and relating to the topic in which the message is based on. The third and last but not least C is Consistency. A message should be interpreted the same way regardless of which channel it is conveyed through

Did these 3 steps help you communicate your message ? Let me know in the comments below !!


  1. Hi Kaan,
    I couldn’t agree more with the need to find out who your audience is. I think this is where some companies fail. As their product goes through the product life cycle, the people buying may be very different from when it was trendy at time of launch. I really believe that companies that continue to invest in knowing more about their target segments are far more likely to be successful in their Integrated Marketing Campaigns. If they get this first step right the advertising efforts are almost doomed to fail spectacularly.
    Looking forward to your next post.
    Catherine ☺

  2. Yep glad you agree :)
    Companies who research into their target market can better understand the needs and can put out content valuable to the customer. This is a good strategy for any company in their integrated marketing campaigns


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